Santa Helena Alimentos: campaign increases sales and results exceed those of 2019

For 2021, optimism is great; the company expects to expand the market and business next year

After registering the best June festivities in history in 2020, Santa Helena Alimentos achieves a 200% growth in sales via e-commerce compared to September and August this year. In October, revenue is expected to remain positive, exceeding total sales in all channels and points of service by double digits compared to the same period last year. The credits for such significant results in times of pandemic are in the reinvention, which began with the manifesto #JuntosNaJunina and continues on the rise with the #JuntosParaNutrir.

This initiative, in fact, has two fronts of action: it contemplates Brazilian families with the donation of products – the estimate is, until December, to send 240 tons of products via assistance entities – and returns up to 50% of the value of purchases in cashbacks to consumers. In this way, the #JuntosParaNutrir program is mobilizing the entire industrial chain involved with the company.

According to the company’s corporate marketing and innovation manager, Tiago Garcia Leal, in the first two months of the campaign, August and September, revenues were approximately 60% higher than in 2019 – the sale of peanuts, snacks and sweets is included in the account. Growth they attribute to the initiative. “We cannot leave the responsibility of helping the population only to the government. It is the obligation of all. Society has already understood this and so have many companies. Only together can we nurture and change reality”, attests.

So far, the campaign has helped more than 63,000 families, which taking into account the Brazilian fertility rate of 1.77 children, can be projected for an average of 250,000 people assisted. The equivalent in population to the city of Marília in São Paulo or greater than that of the African country São Tomé and Príncipe. And the expectation is to help even more people. For now, almost 50% of 240 tons (total projected for the entire campaign) have been distributed. However, the quantity may be even higher, since it is directly associated with the sales of Santa Helena’s products.

The company’s total investment with the stock is approximately R$6 million, half of this volume undertaken only in the production and distribution of the donated items. Among them, the seasoned manioc flour developed exclusively for the initiative. Rich in fiber and with good amounts of protein, carbohydrates and good fats, seasoned manioc flour can complement the daily diet and, in some cases, depending on the amount ingested, replace part of the portions of rice, beans and flours. Entities from states such as Goiás, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Espírito Santo have already received the products.

For Leal, the good results guaranteed by the company in this atypical and crisis year are related to the ability to look to the next, and also to innovate. “Right at the beginning of the pandemic, we were severely impacted. But to strengthen us as a company, we set up a committee to ensure the care and safety of all employees and consumers and to define new strategies. We opened e-commerce, supported partners and retailers to adopt the much needed digital transformation in this period and started the campaigns that led us to this 200% growth from one month to the next.”

And 2021 will be optimistic for Santa Helena, which exports to several countries in South and North America, as well as Asia. “We are already with next year’s planning practically finalized. We see great opportunities for market development and business strengthening, “says the manager.

More information about the campaign and the donations made can be found on the hotsite All figures disclosed are audited by BDO Brazil Auditores.

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